Frequently Asked Questions
1Is urine for urine analysis appropriate for culture?
No it is not suitable.
Urine culture can only be collected into a sterile container. And before the collection procedure, cleaning must be performed (wash hands with soap). For urine collection the first and last part
of the urine must be urinated into the toilet and only the middle part of the urine should be collected into the sterile container.
2How long can the urine bag be attached before collecting the babies urine?
The urine bag can be kept attached until urine is collected. But if there is no collection of urine after 30 minutes then the urine bag should be replaced with a new one, only after cleaning properly.
3When should urine be given for culture and how much is needed?
The urine collected should be stationary in the bladder for at least at least three hours. After appropriate cleaning, 1-2 ml of urine will be enough for culture process.
4Can urine analysis and culture be performed during the menstrual period?
Cultures and direct microscopic examinations are both affected because menstrual blood cells can not be distinguished from blood cells from the upper urinary tract.
Microorganisms normally found in the vagina in the menstrual period can contaminate the sterile urine therefore mislead culture results.
For this reason, urine analysis and culture are not performed during menstruation period.
5Can culture tests be performed when using antibiotics?
Antibiotics can reduce the occurrence of bacterial as well as completely prevent it. So it affects the results.
For this reason, it is recommended to carry out a culture test at least 2 days after the last dose of antibiotic, depending on the type of antibiotic used.
6Is it necessary to be empty stomach for the culture tests?
Not necessary. However, for the throat and sputum culture, nothing should be eaten in the last hour.
7How should I prepare (clean)before giving urine culture?
Contamination (vaginal bacterial transmission) is more frequent in females than males in terms of anatomical characteristics.
Before sample collection, cleaning is important to reduce contamination.
First, the hands should be washed with soap. Then, with one hand, wipe the vagina lips and wipe the vagina once with a gauze from the top to the bottom (from the vagina to the base) with your other hand.
This process should be repeated 4-5 times with different gauze. After cleansing, keep the mouth of the vagina apart and urinate the first part into the toilet and collect the middle part for the culture process.
Then, without touching the interior of the urine sample container, bring the sample to the laboratory as soon as possible.
8What should I pay attention to while giving sample for sperm (semen) culture ?
Since the sample container provided is sterile, the interior part of the sample container should not be touched.
The sample given should not be mixed with water, soap or any other substances.
Before giving sperm sample, the hand and penis should be washed with soapy water, rinsed and dried properly.
At sperm delivery stage, no lubricant such as water or soap should be used.
All sperm ejaculated should be collected in the given container and closed tightly, and brought to the laboratory as soon as possible.
9Does drinking water affect the sample to be obtained for the throat culture process?
Nothing should be eaten and drunk an hour before sample collection. In addition, mouth wash products should not be used beforehand.
10Do I need to diet before feacal occult blood test?
No special diet is needed to be done since the methods we use at the laboratory are specific and sensitive to substances (human haemoglobin) found in human blood.
11How long should the faecal sample be delivered to the laboratory for parasitological examination and/or culture test?
For parasitological examinations, the faecal sample (amount: hazelnut size) must be delivered in its special sample collection container to the laboratory within 30 minutes.
Taking a sample for at least 3 consecutive days increases the chance of parasite cysts to be observed.
Feacal sample should be delivered to the laboratory in the shortest possible time within its special sample collection container ,
it should especially be taken from the bloody and mucous parts of the sample.
12What should I pay attention to when giving urethral drainage samples for sexually transmitted diseases?
Before the urethral drainage sample is taken, first of all, the urethral mouth should be cleaned with sterile wipes.
After it is necessary to take a sample with sterile swab from the drainage and then deliver it to the laboratory as soon as possible.
13Do I need preliminary preparation before taking sample for direct fungal microscopical analysis and fungal culture?
It is advised not to use anti-fungal medicine for at least 3 days before taking fungal sample for fungal examination anaylsis and fungal culture.
If the samples to be taken are from the skin or nail, it is suggested not to wash these regions before sample collection.
If the sample is going to be taken from the nail, the nail should not be cut for at least a week.
14Should I take my throid medication before I go to the lab for doing thyroid tests?
If your physician does not recommend anything, we recommend that you give your blood before taking your morning dose, then take your medicine.
15Does my blood pressure and heart medications I use every day affect my test results, should I take them before the test done?
Taking these kind of medications usually does not affect the test results.
If you have medication that you take with an empty stomach, you can take your medication after the phlebotomy procedure.
However, for some specific tests to investigate the cause of hypertension, your doctor may want you not to take your medications for a few days.
16Do any special diets need to be done before doing glucose tolerance test?
A diet containing normal amount of carbohydrates should be done for three days prior to the glucose tolerance test.
Incorrectly low or high results can be found when eating more or less carbohydrate than necessary.
Some Test Procedures in Our Hospital
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